In the Wilhelminian period, large printing houses and well-known publishers had their headquarters in Leipzig, today their tradition is continued by printing companies, emerging and established publishers and committed literary professionals. 

Publishers such as Edition Peters or the Leipzig division of Ernst Klett are just as committed to this area as independent publishers and other medium-sized operations. All of them, with their diverse profiles and selected programmes, are defining the modern image of Leipzig as a book city.

The city also hosts one of the literary year's highlights: the Leipzig Book Fair and the reading festival Leipzig liest (Leipzig reads) attract more than a quarter of a million visitors to the book city every year.


The Gutenbergschule (site only in german), the vocational school for the city of Leipzig, offers the opportunity to achieve university entrance qualifications with a focus on design. This is also where apprentices in the print and media sectors as well as booksellers lay the foundations for their professional future.

The Institute for Communication and Media Studies at the University of Leipzig specialises in book studies and provides comprehensive information about the publishing industry. Here the medium of the printed book is explored and examined in the context of the entire media landscape.

The Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK Leipzig, subpage only in german) graduates, who hold a degree in book and media production, printing technology or book trade and publishing are highly qualified specialists for the printing and publishing industry.

At the Deutsches Literaturinstitut Leipzig, students can earn an academic degree as creative writers. Award-winning authors such as Clemens Meyer and Juli Zeh studied at this institute.



July 1, 1650 marked the start of the global press market - right hear in Leipzig. On that day Timotheus Ritzsch, the son of a publisher, issued the "Einkommende Zeitungen" in Leipzig which was the world's first daily newspaper. Over the centuries, daily newspapers have served as a medium to foster a phenomenon that is now taken for granted: the global community.

Nearly 250 years later, the Leipziger Volkszeitung was printed for the very first time. Today the LVZ is the city's largest daily newspaper - but it is by no means the only print medium available on the urban press market. Local newsrooms of nationally active news services or media, city magazines, weekly magazines, multifaceted blogs and many district newspapers provide the necessary journalistic diversity in the Saxon metropolis.

Every year, the Journalism Department of the University of Leipzig and the Leipzig School of Media introduce young journalists to the media landscape who will shape the future quality of journalism in the city. The programmes have an excellent reputation within the industry and place great emphasis on managing digital change and its consequences.

sv-liable employees
Share of sales per year


  1. Leipzig Book Fair and "Leipzig Reads" are hotspots for the book industry all over Germany
  2. Companies benefit from the image of the historic book and publishing city
  3. Renowned literary training at the German Literature Institute Leipzig
  4. Excellently trained specialists across all stages of the value chain
  5. Direct proximity to book- and print-related associations, networks and institutions
  6. Good networking within the graphic arts industry ensures fast and high-quality production
  7. The optimal logistical connection ensures fast delivery.

Funding and financing options for printing and publishing

HTWK - Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur

The Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig was founded in 1992 as a university of applied sciences. It thus continues the long tradition of engineering educational institutions and teaching facilities for librarians, booksellers and museologists in Leipzig. With around 6,200 students, it is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Germany.

Fakultät Buch- und Medienproduktion (site only in german)

Universität Leipzig

With 14 faculties and 155 courses of study, the Alma Mater Lipsiensis is a classic full university with a wide range of subjects: more than 30,000 students are taught by 436 professors. From biotechnology to digital humanities, the university conducts research and teaching at the highest level - without interruption since its foundation in 1409.

Uni Leipzig - Journalistik
Uni Leipzig - KMW
Deutsches Literaturinstitut Leipzig
(all three sites only in german)

Leipzig School of Media

The media landscape is constantly changing. The cross-media use of content is becoming increasingly important here. This is where the Leipzig School of Media comes in with four part-time master's degree programmes, courses and training courses in cross-media. The continuing education programme aims to qualify specialists for the new requirements in the media. (site only in german)