Since 1996, the development of Leipzig as a media location has been analysed at regular intervals by means of scientific surveys. Following seven studies to date, another "Study on the Media and Creative Industries in Leipzig 2017" commissioned by the Office for Economic Development is now available. It analyses the situation of Leipzig's media and creative industries including their seven sub-sectors, including for the first time with a special focus on Information technology.

The complete study is available on the Internet at (site only in german) retrievable.

Selected results of the study (only in german):


The number of companies in the Information sector in Leipzig grew by 267 between 2009 and 2014 to a total of 1,055. However, these are predominantly small businesses. The number of employees rose to 12,336 by 2016.

The spectrum of the resident ICT sector is broad. The service areas with the highest turnover are IT consulting and software, in the areas of software development, IT security, cloud computing, web portals and automation.

The number of start-ups is constantly high. The start-up opportunities in Leipzig are rated as "good". However, the next growth steps represent a challenge for the young companies. Capital and venture capital are the most frequently mentioned.

Since the recruitment of skilled workers is of particular relevance for companies, cooperation with universities and technical colleges is mainly devoted to this aspect.

The local ICT companies make positive to very positive statements about the expected market development. 60.2% of the companies see growing market opportunities for themselves, 33.9% assess their situation as stable.

Almost half of the companies intend to invest in further training measures over the next three years, one third in machinery and equipment.


Leipzig has a lot to offer. At the MIPIM in Cannes in the spring of 2018, the city was honoured as a top location in the category of skilled workers and quality of life (seventh place in the "European Cities of Future") and is thus one of the most attractive cities in Europe.

A region with attractive conditions. And even more potential.

  • Up to 30 percent investment subsidy for settlement projects
  • Over 110 areas with over 10,000 m² available
  • 40,000 students at 11 universities
  • Over 13 percent population growth since 2005
  • growing importance as a living and economic space: 2nd place in the city ranking of the Hamburgisches Welt Wirtschaftsinstitut (HWWI) and the private bank Berenberg 2017

Leipzig is young and satisfied

  • The population is becoming younger: the average age is 42.6 years (Source: City of Leipzig / Office for Statistics and Elections / Quarterly Statistical Report I/2017)
  • more than 21% of all Leipziger household heads are younger than 30 years (source: GfK Population Structure Data 2015)
  • in no other major German city are the inhabitants as happy as in Leipzig: 79% are very satisfied or satisfied with their lives (Source: City of Leipzig / Office for Statistics and Elections / as of March 2017)

Labour market

  • Leipzig is attractive for skilled workers and qualified skilled workers: the number of employees subject to social insurance contributions grew by 2.6% to more than 286,200 in 2018.


Leipzig is one of the most popular student cities in Germany for learning and living. Personalities such as Lessing, Klopstock and Goethe came to Leipzig to study. Werner Heisenberg, Theodor Mommsen, Gustav Hertz, Peter Debye, Nathan Söderblom and Wilhelm Ostwald taught here. All of them Nobel Prize winners. Leipzig was and is also a meeting place for thinkers and intellectuals. Philosophers such as Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and Ernst Bloch have shaped the city's thinking to this day.

HTWK - Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur

The Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig was founded in 1992 as a university of applied sciences. It thus continues the long tradition of engineering educational institutions and teaching facilities for librarians, booksellers and museologists in Leipzig. With around 6,200 students, it is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Germany.

Universität Leipzig

With 14 faculties and 155 courses of study, the Alma Mater Lipsiensis is a classic full university with a wide range of subjects: more than 30,000 students are taught by 436 professors. From biotechnology to digital humanities, the university conducts research and teaching at the highest level - without interruption since its foundation in 1409.

Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig

Founded in 1764, the HGB is one of the oldest art academies in Germany. Around 600 students are currently studying painting and graphic arts, book art and graphic design, photography and media art in the four study courses. Since 2009, the Master's programme in Curatorial Cultures, unique in Germany, has also been offered.

Hochschule für Musik und Theater "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" Leipzig

The Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Leipzig offers a range of education from classical music, popular music, drama and dramaturgy, from musicology and music education to church music. In addition, there are more than 700 public concerts a year. Founded in 1843 as a conservatory by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, it was the first higher musical educational institution in Germany. The second main building is located at Dittrichring 21.

HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

What does someone who wants to start or run a business need? Away from the short-term pursuit of profit maximization towards responsibility and sustainability. This is the "Leipzig management model". The private business school, which is renowned throughout Europe, has an excellent reputation as a forge for managers and entrepreneurs and offers the best career opportunities.

Staatliche Studienakademie Leipzig

The Studienakademie Leipzig is one of seven locations of the Berufsakademie Sachsen. Half of each semester is spent at the academy and half in a company. The dual courses offered in the fields of economics and technology include numerous bachelor courses. The aim is to train specialists for the regional economy. (site only in german)

FOM Hochschule Leipzig

The private university offers part-time study opportunities in the fields of economics and management. Students are required to attend classes in the evening or at weekends. With a special program abroad, the FOM offers professionals the opportunity to gain experience abroad in so-called summer or winter schools in addition to their job. (site only in german)

Leipzig School of Media

Die Medienlandschaft ist im permanenten Wandel. Eine medienübergreifende Nutzung von Inhalten wird hier immer wichtiger. Hier setzt die Leipzig School of Media mit vier berufsbegleitenden Masterstudiengängen, Kursen und Schulungen im Crossmedia-Bereich an. Das Weiterbildungsangebot will Spezialisten für die neuen Anforderungen in den Medien qualifizieren. (site only in german)

Internationale Berufsakademie Leipzig

Students study part-time at this private academy. Each week 20 hours of study and 20 hours of work in the company means dual study, not including homework. In return, graduates received theoretical training and gained practical experience in the company at the same time.

Macromedia Hochschule Leipzig

Creativity is the magic word at this school - and a little craziness is allowed. In the fields of communication design, game design, fashion design and more, Macromedia University offers places to study. Strong practical orientation in small seminar groups promises maximum learning success. Even the brave little tailor can still learn something here! (overview of all locations)
Location Leipzig (site only in german)


Numerous institutions, associations and industry associations support the players in the media and creative industries with valuable information or offers, support the needs of the industry or pave the way for new projects.

To the networks

Broadband availability in LEIPZIG

The Office for Economic Development has commissioned an analysis of the current situation regarding broadband expansion in Leipzig. The city of Leipzig is optimally supplied with broadband - the broadband equipment over 50 Mbit/s is best in Saxony with 85%. The objective in the city of Leipzig is to expand the high-performance broadband network in the area. After a market exploration procedure and an expression of interest procedure, expansion areas were defined and the network planning carried out. All households in the settlement area were to be supplied with a target bandwidth of at least 50 megabits per second. Schools and industrial estates should be served with a target bandwidth of at least 500 megabits per second (fibre-optic connection).